Our cleaners can also be used for equestrian purposes, bags, jackets, boots and shoes, in fact any skinned or anniline leather, with the exception of suede or nubuck. Generally a 1 litre bottle will treat an average vehicle or 3-piece suite 5-6 times. Our cleaner conditioner is an integrated product, whereas most companies will try and sell you 2-3 different products, we offer a unique all-in-one combination using a blend of liquid soaps and natural oils. It is chemical free with no glycerines, silicones or ammonia, which can be harmful to some leathers.
Leather Forever can be used on old and new leather alike. Apply liberally with a soft, lint-free cloth or apply directly onto the leather and massage in with the hands. On old leather that has gone hard, it may be left on overnight to penetrate and will significantly breathe life back into old seats, helping to make them soft and supple again. Finally buff off with a clean cloth. This will also help to re-instate the leather aroma and act as a preservative to maintain the suppleness. On modern leathers 15-20 minutes is normally adequate to clean, nourish and to prevent deterioration.